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C.D.Zhou , J.F.Fan , H.R.Le , Y.J.Lin , D.S.Sun , J.G.Zhang


The mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics of a high speed steel (HSS) for roll has been studied. As compared with the as-cast HSS, the spray-formed HSS have fine grain and segregation free microstructures. Carbides distribute uniformly. The morphology and types of the carbides in spray-formed HSS are different from those in as-cast HSS. The results of the high temperature tensile experiment show that, as to spray-formed HSS, there is a possibility of superplastic deformation in the range of 780-810

关键词: spray forming , null , null


陶明 , 熊伟 , 陈华 , 李贤均


合成了(R,R)-1,2-二苯基乙二胺((R,R)-DPEN)、钌和三苯基膦的三元配合物RuCl2[P(C6H5)3]2-(R,R)-DPEN,并将其用于萘乙酮的不对称加氢反应.考察了碱/催化剂的摩尔比、反应温度和氢气压力等对催化活性和对映选择性的影响.结果表明,多种因素对反应的转化率和对映选择性均有影响.在萘乙酮:(CH3)3COK:催化剂摩尔比为50 000:450:1,氢气压力为4 MPa,反应温度为25℃的条件下,反应16 h时,萘乙酮生成α-萘乙醇的产率和对映选择性分别达到了100%和83%.

关键词: 钌膦配合物 , 手性二胺 , 萘乙酮 , 不对称催化加氢 , α-萘乙醇 , 对映选择性

Effect of Doping and High-Temperature Annealing on the Structural and Electrical Properties of Zn1-XNiXO(0≤X≤0.15) Powders

Hakan Colak


This paper reported the synthesis, crystal structure and electrical conductivity properties of Ni-doped ZnO powders (i.e. Zn1-XNiXObinary system, X=0, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.0075 and in the range 0.01≤X≤0.15). I-phase samples, which were indexed as single phase with a hexagonal (wurtzite) structure in the Zn1-XNiXObinary system, were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The widest range of the I-phase was determined as 0≤X≤0.03 at 1200°C; above this range the mixed phase was observed. The impurity phase was determined as NiO when compared with standard XRD data, using the PDF program. We focused on single I-phase ZnO samples which were synthesized at 1200°C because of the widest range of solubility limit at this temperature. It was observed that the lattice parameters a and c of the I-phase decreased with Ni doping concentration. The morphology of the I-phase samples was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope. The electrical conductivity of the pure ZnO and single I-phase samples were studied by using the four-probe dc method at temperatures between 100 and 950°C in air atmosphere. The electrical conductivity values of pure ZnO and 3 mol% Ni-doped ZnO samples at 100°C were 2×10-6 and 4.8×10-6Ω-1?cm-1, and at 950°C they were 1.8 and 3.6Ω-1?cm-1, respectively. In other words, electrical conductivity increased with Ni doping concentration.

关键词: II-VI semiconductors

非线性超声检测的因素探讨及其在H R3 C烟侧腐蚀的应用

秦鹏 , 李萍 , 侯天宇 , 赵杰 , 李廷举

材料工程 doi:10.11868/j.issn.1001-4381.2016.11.015

基于对影响非线超声性检测因素的探讨,考察了应用非线性检测无损评价H R3C烟侧腐蚀的可行性。结果表明:脉冲激励串个数 n≤2df/c ,加汉宁窗有助于降低系统干扰,此外,样品表面粗糙度对非线性系数β产生显著的影响。随腐蚀时间的延长,非线性系数呈现阶段性的递增趋势。腐蚀初期(腐蚀时间在50h以内),非线性系数增幅不足20%;然而,腐蚀至150h ,非线性系数显著增加;相对于未腐蚀样品,腐蚀200h时的非线性系数增幅达260%。非线性系数的单调变化与腐蚀损伤的加剧相一致,因此,应用超声非线性无损评价 H R3C的烟侧腐蚀是可行的。

关键词: 非线性超声检测 , 非线性系数 , 烟侧腐蚀


杨敏 , 常海萍 , 毛军逵



关键词: 热驱动 , 热驱动介质 , 细微通道 , 旋转 , 换热系数

Acoustic emission inspection of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect and deformation mechanisms of two Mg-Li-Al alloys

Journal of Materials Science

In this paper, Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect of LA41 magnesium alloy is reported. With increasing strain rate, both ultimate tensile stresses (sigma(b)) and 0.2% proof (sigma(0.2)) stresses increase, while serrations become less severe. Major acoustic emission (AE) peaks appear at the end of elastic region, and transform to burst type signals in the plastic range. In another alloy containing less Li (LA11), serrations are absent and major AE peak values are considerably lowered. Additionally, PLC effect disappears in LA41 after annealing. The role of twins is discussed in details. Actual causes for AE activity during deformation are also proposed.

关键词: tensile deformation;magnesium alloys;bands;az31

18R单相Mg-Y-Zn合金经773 K退火过程中14H LPSO相的析出行为

刘欢 , 严凯 , 晏井利 , 薛烽 , 孙甲鹏 , 江静华 , 马爱斌

中国有色金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1016/S1003-6326(17)60007-4

为了揭示14H相的形成机理,制备并研究了18R LPSO单相Mg?Y?Zn(简称S18)合金经773 K退火100 h的显微组织演变。结果表明:铸态S18合金主要由18R相组成(其体积分数高于93%),并含有少量的W相和α-Mg相。退火时,S18合金中的18R相保持稳定,未转变成14H LPSO结构。然而,在α-Mg相内部形成了14H层片相,其尺寸和体积分数随着退火时间的延长不断增大。TEM分析表明,14H相在α-Mg内基面堆垛层错区域独立形核。14H层片的增厚生长是界面控制过程,与基面台阶的形成密切联系。而14H层片的伸长生长属于扩散控制,与溶质元素的扩散有关。该18R单相合金中14H相的形成机理可通过反应式α-Mg'→α-Mg +14H表示。

关键词: Mg-Y-Zn合金 , 18R LPSO相 , 14H LPSO相 , 高温退火 , 显微组织演变

R-line thermal shift and thermal broadenings of R, R' and B lines for ruby

Communications in Theoretical Physics

The unified theoretical calculation of thermal shifts (TS) of R-1 and R-2 lines and thermal broadenings (TB) of R, R' and B lines for ruby was carried out for the first time. The calculated results are in very good agreement with a great number of experimental data. Especially by using quantum theory and taking into account all the admixtures of wavefunctions within d(3) electronic configuration, all the Gamma M in electron-phonon interaction (EPI), the electronic energy spectrum and lattice-vibration Spectrum, the very important contributions to TS and TB from single-phonon direct process were theoretically calculated in detail. The microscopic essentials of various contributions are revealed, and the mistakes in previous work are remedied.

关键词: diamond anvil cell;pressure measurement;spectroscopy;temperatures


Journal of Applied Physics

Samples of R2Fe17C(y)N(x) (R = Y, Sm, Er, Tm) were prepared by arc melting appropriate amount of R, Fe, and C, vacuum annealing at 1373 K and finally annealing at 740 K in nitrogen for 10 h. The magnetic properties of these compounds were investigated by means of ac initial susceptibility, magnetization measurements, and x-ray diffraction. The thermal stability of the nitride phase was studied by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that, when heated above 600 K, R2Fe17C(y)N(x) irreversibly decomposes N which is irrespective of the carbon concentration and rare-earth element. The Curie temperatures of R2Fe17C(y)N(x) are independent of the carbon concentration and are approximately 400 K higher than those of the corresponding pure R2Fe17 compounds. However, the Curie temperatures cannot be correlated to the composition x of the initial R2Fe17C(y)N(x) compounds at room temperature because some N was lost during the heating to T(c). In the Er and Tm compounds spin reorientation transitions were found, marking the change of the easy magnetization direction from the c axis to the basal plane with increasing temperature. The Tm compounds show an additional magnetic transition at low temperatures (below 40 K). A coexistence of the hexagonal and the rhombohedral structural modifications was found in Er2Fe17C(y)N(x) when y < 1.5, characterized by two different spin reorientation temperatures. The anisotropy fields of Sm2Fe17C(y)N(x) are higher than that of Sm2Fe17N(x). Indications of a magnetic phase transition were found also in Sm2Fe17C0.7N(x) and Sm2Fe17C0.9N(x).

关键词: magnetocrystalline anisotropy;carbides;alloys

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